The C.A.S.T.

Brotherhood and Laughter: Strengthening Christian Friendships Through Accountability and Fun

September 02, 2024 Jaret, Garth, Trey, and Mike Season 3 Episode 4

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How can the bonds of brotherhood transform your life? Join us in this touching episode as we begin with a heartfelt prayer, setting the stage for a meaningful conversation about building strong Christian friendships. We share personal stories and explore how these bonds have profoundly impacted our personal and spiritual journeys. With laughter and mutual support, we discuss the essential roles of accountability and mentorship, revealing the powerful influence of a tight-knit community in overcoming life's hurdles.

Feeling disconnected or socially awkward? We get it. That’s why we dive into the importance of fostering accountability within Christian friendships, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our chat includes practical tips for nurturing these relationships, from meeting in public places to embracing honesty and trust. We also highlight how crucial it is to create a supportive environment for those who find socializing challenging, ultimately reinforcing the significance of unwavering commitment and trust in these bonds.

But it’s not all serious talk! We bring in some fun with a spirited game challenging each other to name items within a given category, followed by an exhilarating Pasta and Cheese Challenge. Hear us brainstorm and strategize, with a blend of quick thinking and good-natured competition, proving that maintaining integrity and having a blast can go hand in hand. This episode is a dynamic mix of heartfelt reflections and playful interactions, showcasing the enduring value of brotherhood in our lives.

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Speaker 2:

welcome to the cast, hey, and welcome back to another episode of the Cast. I'm Jarrett, I'm Garth, I'm Mike and I'm Trey, and we are back today and we are going to be talking about the bonds of brotherhood, building strong Christian friendships. But before we go any further, I'm going to open up with a word of prayer and then we're going to jump right in. Let's pray, father. We thank you for today, lord. I just thank you for, once again, another opportunity to open up your word, to have discussion, lord, and specifically on this topic of friendships. Lord, I pray that you just guide this discussion, lord, lead us in everything that we do, bless the listeners and bless this topic and this conversation today. In Jesus' name, we ask these things Amen, amen, all right, so as we get into this and talk about the bonds of brotherhood, let's just kind of jump right in, as we're all part of a brotherhood, we're all friends here. But what has your experience been in the importance of brotherhood in your life?

Speaker 3:

It's been the instrument of growth for me, having other men hold me accountable and lift me up. You know, especially like having a mentor. You know that's a brother. It's been critical because without him I never would have, you know, memorized scripture. I just would not have done that without somebody urging me to do it. You know, I wouldn't have, uh, spent as much time reading the Bible in the mornings and now that's a part of my life. Um, I would have never started discipling my wife. Uh list goes on and on. Man, it's. It's a big part of God's plan for my life.

Speaker 2:

Right With with brotherhood. You know, I know this is the cast is four guys here. We're going to talk about friendships, just in general too. So, ladies, hang with us. We're going to give you some advice and insight as well. But first, like let's, let's just really hone in on this. You know brotherhood, of what that means, I mean what does brotherhood mean to you? The hood of brothers, I'm just kidding anybody but mike no like uh, like so for me.

Speaker 1:

Or bike, no like for me, like um I uh, I'm gonna say what it means, but I'm gonna tell you like that was the question. I know it was a question.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna dodge that question for a minute imagine that I'm gonna look up the definition um it's a hood of uh brothers, brethren yeah, um no, it's like when hell breaks loose in my life.

Speaker 1:

Like it's nice to be able to call like-minded people to say, hey, I need, I need wisdom, I need prayer, I need, I need somebody to help me through this. And uh, and it's somebody's got your back, man. Man, like it's, it's like, hey, no, we like like when the hell is breaking loose, like like you need somebody in your corner to be able to say I got you, man, I'm going to pray for you. What do you need? Do you need to hang out? Do you need to? You know and I've got friends that do that Like it's, you know, like they'll be there in a heartbeat, you know and vice versa 2 am friend

Speaker 2:

kind of yeah, yeah, yeah, I thought I had friends like that. It's stupid.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, I didn't answer Jared's phone call, like when you've got a flat tire, that's right, a flat tire and a dead battery and right around the corner from somebody's house. It was funny. I wasn't even at home. I was getting an argument where I thought I needed a brother behind me you know how you gauge if you're a best friend or not.

Speaker 2:

If they answer the phone, you need them. If they don't, that's your best friend if they don't, that's your best friend.

Speaker 1:

I answered him the second time he called me and then somebody knew it was important.

Speaker 2:

No, I was already home at that point.

Speaker 1:

I was like dude you called me and then somebody knew it was important. No, I was already home at that point. I was like dude, you called me right when I was about to get in an argument with somebody.

Speaker 4:

Well, actually it was an argument. Well, I think another word just kind of to sum up what Mike was describing as community. I think just a community of men who are like-minded, who are going to support each other but also hold each other accountable, who are going to support each other but also hold each other accountable. I think that's what I think of when I think of brotherhood.

Speaker 2:

Let's look at this, the good and the bad. I would call this right here, I would say a circle, but it's kind of more like a square, since it's four of us. This is a brotherhood, right? Let's just talk about how this got started. I mean several years ago, obviously. You know, I've known Mike for the longest. Yeah, the longest of this table, then Trey, then Garth, yeah.

Speaker 4:

But Mike and I have known each other the longest, that's true, it is yeah, yeah. Since it seems like it's a competition.

Speaker 1:

It was like 20. Oh my gosh 2015?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, since it seems like it's a competition, it was, it was like 20. Oh my gosh 2015.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so two years before me, almost a decade Wow.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Cause that we yeah 2015.

Speaker 1:

I still got. I still got a picture at your wedding where everybody did that photo booth. It sits in like my cup holder. I don't know how, how I got there, but a bunch of cubs have been sitting so it's kind of faded.

Speaker 3:

It's really important to him, it seems, as if he treasures it.

Speaker 4:

Brothers, brotherhood.

Speaker 2:

A hood of brothers, he's not even in it.

Speaker 1:

He's not even in it, it's a bunch of other people. I was like, okay, ever since Sully goes, hey, where's this at, I'm not in it. I said I know it was actually a Pastor Trey's wedding. How old was Lacey when you married her?

Speaker 2:

So back to the question at hand, back to the hood.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, back to the hood.

Speaker 2:

I mean what would be like y'all's perspective of how this brotherhood got started and what it's meant to it as well.

Speaker 3:

I know I talked to you about wanting to do something where we would meet regularly, wanting to do something where we would meet regularly. And then I know you talked to mike and you talked to mike and mike seemed like he wanted to do something, and then it sat stagnant. And then I know we talked about I was like dude, what about a podcast? Like I think that'd be a lot of fun and it'd be also a good way for us to meet regularly and work through stuff. And then we were like we gotta, we gotta get trey, because trey's always here and jumping at the bit it lives for stuff.

Speaker 4:

I was the tag along in the beginning. Trey was the third wheel, the one was the fourth I think he was here to help us with creativity.

Speaker 2:

That was the initial plan. It was just perfect though.

Speaker 3:

When you think about.

Speaker 4:

You didn't come up with it, hey.

Speaker 3:

You just can't do it without Trey man. Thank you, garth, invaluable Agreed.

Speaker 1:

It wouldn't be the same show without Trey. It wouldn't.

Speaker 4:

He's your op Keep it coming. He's your opposition man, that's a good way to put it. I'm Mike's op.

Speaker 3:

And when something funny happens. I look at Trey. He's always strategically across from me.

Speaker 2:

No, but I mean I share that to say that over the last couple years, you know, this has what started as just something we're going to meet, you know, and do a podcast and do different things. It has turned into a brother, a brotherhood with friendships.

Speaker 3:

Life is happening right and we bring it in here with us.

Speaker 2:

Yep, and not, but not only that, like how many times have we had phone calls or been on the phone or hung out and did different things? Because of the brotherhood that we started and I really do believe that it's essential in your walk with the Lord because it provides the support, the encouragement, the accountability, all of those things that are necessary. We're not meant to do life alone, and you know, in Proverbs where it says that iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. That's what a brotherhood is really revolved around is, you know, making sure that you're getting sharpened. And you want to make sure, when you evaluate your circle and you evaluate who you hang out with, make sure you're not around a bunch of dull people, because you don't want to be the only one sharpening people.

Speaker 4:

So dull, as in like intelligence or like dull, is boring.

Speaker 3:

Yes, okay, yes, hey, when, uh, you know, when you come to somebody with something you know you are obligated to give them, to love them and to give them the best information, guidance you know, whatever that you can give them, and that's what helps sharpen them.

Speaker 2:

There is a difference between friendship and brotherhood. Yes, and that's where Proverbs 17, 17 says a friend loves at all times and a brother is born for a time of adversity, adversity. Yeah, and I think that right there sums it up. Yes, you have friendships, but then when you have a brotherhood, it is to Mike's point, like when all hell breaks loose, like that's what the brotherhood? They come around you, they lift you up, they're there to support you, they're there to fight for you, they're in your corner. And that's what a brotherhood's all about is that you can take your burdens, you can take your struggles, you can take those things to them, and they're not there to like man why'd you do that or that was dumb. Like they're there to uplift you, they're there to help you, they're there to support you. It is a community Trey, as you talked about, so it is critical. I love the way that Proverbs says it right there, because I think that's just flat-out wisdom.

Speaker 3:

It's a book of wisdom, proverbs, ecclesiastes and Job.

Speaker 1:

That kind of sums up the show. I mean great show guys.

Speaker 2:

Pretty break. All right. So what advice to people right here? Because I would consider myself blessed and fortunate to have you guys as not just friends but as a brotherhood.

Speaker 1:

I'd agree with that statement.

Speaker 4:

That Jared's blessed to have us.

Speaker 2:

I can get on board with that and this is why I'm blessed, guys you can tell. Pray for me, and this is why I'm blessed guys you can tell.

Speaker 3:

Pray for me. Pray for me Such humility.

Speaker 2:

But seriously, we are very fortunate with the community that we have, that we've been able to, and it's not just fall into our laps. It takes work. You've got to show yourself friendly. But what advice would you give to someone who's listening right now, who does feel isolated and they're seeking to build these kind of relationships and friendships? What advice would you would you give?

Speaker 1:

I mean, you just said it, Show yourself friendly. You know, like if they're, if, if, if you're standoffish like you gotta be, you show yourself friendly.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, start saying yes.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Hey man, we're're gonna go do this. You want to do it?

Speaker 4:

yes, hey, could you, yes, yes, and even if saying yeah and even if you're not specifically invited to something, if there's an event happening, you have to show up.

Speaker 1:

Show up right, come be present yeah, there's a birthday party I'm gonna go to tomorrow.

Speaker 3:

I don't know whose it is, but I'm showing up, yes it's my cake, yes, my wife gets so mad at me because I just say yes to everything, but pretty sure it's my kid's birthday party. Yes, am I going to your kid's birthday?

Speaker 4:

I think so.

Speaker 2:

That's brotherhood.

Speaker 1:

Brotherhood at its finest. It's funny. I just made it up. I don't know if I was going to a birthday party.

Speaker 4:

Well, your family's coming. I didn't realize that I don't know if I was going to a birthday party. Well, your family's coming. I didn't realize that you just made it up. Yeah, I did, I did, I didn't know. There goes all the credibility.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't know, I didn't know, I didn't know we were doing anything tomorrow. Guys, until next time I was thinking about that this morning, I was like man, I got so even bother looking at my calendar. Well, guys, I'm going to a birthday party.

Speaker 3:

Oh man, because we said yes, so much accountability. Because you said yes, this is great.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely great. So, any other advice other than. Mike, it's going to be a great birthday party.

Speaker 4:

Okay, when you show up to whatever it is you're going to, don't sit in the corner.

Speaker 1:

I know like a birthday party tomorrow. Yeah, I know like a birthday party tomorrow.

Speaker 4:

It might be uncomfortable for you, but put yourself in the middle. That's the only way that you're going to make the friend, make the connection. But also if you're in the circle and you see someone outside of it, be a friend, Invite them in. It's not exclusive.

Speaker 2:

Now, this podcast is exclusive because we only have four microphones so we can't bring anybody else in.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you a story. It's true, true story. Story time with Mike. Here we go.

Speaker 2:

Here we go.

Speaker 1:

Boom, boom, boom. Yeah, she's so dumb, is that? A lot of times, this is like legit true story is that there's this guy that was over at my house and we had a party or something and I was like, oh man, I really don't want to talk to anybody.

Speaker 4:

You know, I talked to everybody all day long like I just wanted to not intergage. Go in your christian cubbyhole. Yeah, I want to intergage, intergage. We're making words up, guys. Intergage.

Speaker 1:

Jerry made a word up this morning he did yeah, what was it called Fandangle, fandangle. I was like what Fandangle?

Speaker 4:

Keep intergaging.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And so I didn't want to interact and engage. I didn't want to interact and I was just like and then Jess was like Mike, what is going on? I was like I don't know, I really don't feel like talking about it. Well then, about when the show was over, when the party was almost over, over, like, I started hanging out and talking to this guy, found out he's like hilarious. I was like man, I wish I had two more hours with him. Yeah and uh, and so it, dude is so funny. And I was like man.

Speaker 1:

So every time, like, I purposely tried, like because he's kind of an introvert and but he is hilarious. And so I decided like every time we, every time he comes over, like um, I make sure that we hit it off again. Like you know, I'll just just, you know, hit it off right off from the beginning, just joke around, and uh, and I love talking to the guy like he is funny. And it was that moment I was like man, I've got to make sure that. Yeah, I was like, I got to make sure that I do my effort, uh, do my part to like engage with people, because some introverts don't like to break out of their shell, you know, and and um. So sometimes you got to get over yourself when you get to a party or make sure you know where you're going.

Speaker 2:

And when.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, when, or just like show up and try to be a positive thing or be present and involved with something.

Speaker 1:

Because, even when you don't want to, you need to go, like you know. All right, let me put a smile on, let me do this.

Speaker 2:

That's good, I mean. God calls us to live in community and support one another. It is part of our spiritual growth. Hebrews 10, 24 and 25 says and let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day approaching.

Speaker 2:

And I mean, yeah, I know here it's really talking about gathering together for church and things like that but just the concept of itself, of what the Scripture is saying is you need fellowship, you need community, you need to be together, and I think that's one thing. We've probably talked about it in the first season, and we did, but COVID really exposed a lot of that for a lot of people. It in the first season, we did, but COVID really exposed a lot of that for a lot of people. The lack of not being able to meet together and not have that community and that fellowship was hard on a lot of people, some introverts, man, they loved it but they still missed it to a degree.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I have a friend who recently started attending a one-hour weekly accountability meeting and that's the only difference in his life and it's crazy the difference I can see in that person yeah just that alone, that that hour of community and accountability and discussing and opening up to other brothers, is a huge difference in this person well, why do you feel that accountability is essential in the the Christian friendship part of things?

Speaker 3:

it's just, I mean it's just like we're, that's what we're designed like. He said it's not good for man to be alone. And if so, you, he made a helper, you know, and he, he gave us a woman, and you know other helpers, brothers.

Speaker 2:

So should we have accountability in friendships? It's a must. So how would you for people that are listening right now that are see the way, I want to say this you know they've got some good Christian friendships and relationships going how do you start implementing accountability? And that accountability is not this big, daunting task or word that some people think it may be. So how do we start implementing that into these relationships and friendships? You?

Speaker 3:

find a way to where you can sit down for an hour and a half once a week and go through your life.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so that is one way, but to some people that alone is daunting and they can't do it.

Speaker 1:

But a lot of people are guarded. They don't want to share. Wait, don't come into my house. I don't want you to see in my closets.

Speaker 3:

No, we do. We did accountability at Mcackaday's, a restaurant at tanglewood, you know, this week um, you know we've. We've met at uh chinese restaurant, you know, like public place as long as we can hear each other speak, you know we can do it, so I would say um, you've got to be able to like when I said, let your guard down.

Speaker 1:

You've got to be able to like when I said let your guard down. You've got to be willing to hear the truth.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

But the other person, so you can't determine what somebody else does, but you yourself needs to be willing to hear the truth, have the truth spoken to you and, even if you feel like it's wrong, you have to be able to listen to it and without getting offended and saying, okay, you know, we're friends and you could say whatever you want to me, and I need to make sure that I, like I, either put the filter on or I just let me let me soak it in and give me a minute to, because I mean, how many times have you and I gotten an argument jared and then, within within five minutes, we're joking around having a good time, right, and it's in that, that truth, you, you know that that friendship is it. I mean. I mean, that's huge.

Speaker 3:

It's a big element of trust because there's trust there.

Speaker 4:

Yep, whoever, whoever you man, woman, whoever if you are going to enter into an accountability relationship, a friend, that type of friendship with someone is got to be somebody that you trust explicitly and they trust you. And you have to protect that trust Because if you're going to share life and do life with each other, that is in, like, that is a, that's a commitment that you're making to each other, that we are. You know, this is I'm a, I'm a vault. You know what you can. You can talk to me and you know that it's not going any further than here.

Speaker 2:

I want to add to this. I think we'll all be on the same page. It could be different, but I'm going to throw it out there. When it comes to accountability, you need to have accountability partners that are the same gender.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, just having your wife.

Speaker 2:

Your wife can be an accountability in some areas, but she is not your accountability partner. You've got to have other guys and ladies, You've got to have other ladies and do not have an accountability partner that is not your spouse. That is the opposite gender.

Speaker 3:

Do not reveal the deep things to someone of another gender.

Speaker 4:

This is a recipe for disaster, right when you sit in there and you're pouring everything out. I mean there's an, there's a level of intimacy that's there.

Speaker 1:

Sure. And you don't want to share that with someone of the opposite gender, that's not your spouse, and because here's the thing is that people take advantage of that. You know it's just like yeah, do not.

Speaker 4:

And you're seen out of.

Speaker 1:

McAdoo's with but the.

Speaker 4:

Chinese buffet.

Speaker 1:

It's a sacred thing though for somebody to share that stuff. It is Big deal.

Speaker 3:

You are a steward of that. So don't be a jerk and gossip and spread it around the church, because it's just going to blow up everybody's face.

Speaker 2:

Don't let your good be spoken evil of. All. Right, that's a good area right there to just hit. Pause for a moment, let's have a little bit of fun and then we're going to jump back into this and probably get into some scripture. So I'm going to turn it over to the reason. Trey is on this podcast for some creativity.

Speaker 4:

My whole purpose.

Speaker 2:

Please don't let us down, like you did week one.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, sorry about that game.

Speaker 3:

I should have chosen the sounds for it Caw, caw, caw I didn't realize they were going to be so bad at it.

Speaker 2:

Dirt bike, oh, chainsaw, chainsaw.

Speaker 4:

So we tried something new the last week and it kind of flopped. So we're going back to an old tried and true and since it's been, you know.

Speaker 1:

True truths and a lie.

Speaker 4:

No, okay. And since it's been, please be geography, you might be excited about this Garth. Since it's been so long, I feel like we can prove it back.

Speaker 1:

Prove it. You've got to explain the rules again because I forgot what that is. That's?

Speaker 4:

where you say like, I'll give you a category and you have to tell me how many things in that category you can name in 15 seconds.

Speaker 2:

How many seconds did we decide? I feel like I'm.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I've gotten better.

Speaker 4:

You've been practicing. Did we get him a book?

Speaker 1:

I think he's still sitting on my bookshelf, never been opened.

Speaker 2:

I still use that cutting board, my man.

Speaker 4:

All right. So the way it works, we'll start with Jarrett, we'll go to Garth, then Mike, we'll work our way around the table. I will give you a category and you have to name. Don't look at the categories.

Speaker 2:

You're cheating. I can't see. It's upside down.

Speaker 4:

We will. You'll say how many items in that category. You can name it 15 seconds. Garth will then say his number. Unless he doesn't want to, Then he will say say, prove it. As soon as two people say prove it, the person who gave the number then has to prove it. That's wrong, but the listeners may not be.

Speaker 2:

I want to explain it to them. Sorry They'll catch on when Mike goes.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Jarrett, here we go. How many breakfast foods can you name in 15 seconds?

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, here we go 10.

Speaker 4:

Is this like cereal numbers?

Speaker 1:

No, we're not doing frosted flakes, rice krispies, it's cereal. Oh yeah, okay, you said 10?.

Speaker 4:

The look on Mike's face. All right, garth, can you do 11? 11. Oh, can you do 12, mike?

Speaker 1:

In 15 seconds. Yeah, breakfast 12 in 15 seconds. Yeah, breakfast food 12 in 15 seconds. That's less than, oh man, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I think the time is what's going to throw me off. Think of all the breakfast foods out there.

Speaker 1:

All of them. There's a whole aisle in the grocery store, all the cuisines. You said 11? Yeah, prove it.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I thought he was going to say 12.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I can speak that fast.

Speaker 4:

Oh no, you can speak that fast.

Speaker 1:

I don't think you can think that fast. That's probably true.

Speaker 4:

All right, mike says prove it, jarrett, you got 12, or prove it 12. All right, gar.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to say prove it.

Speaker 4:

All right, jarrett, you got to do 12 breakfast foods in 15 seconds. If you are successful, you earn two points Okay. If you fail, the other two earn a point. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Ready set go Pancakes, french toast, crepes, cereal eggs, biscuits, sausage, bacon, canadian bacon, scrapple yogurt and, let's say, toast.

Speaker 4:

Oh, that was at the last second See.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad I didn't get there. Jared's favorite food favorite meal is breakfast.

Speaker 4:

He even brought scrapple.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Scrapple, I don't even.

Speaker 4:

Google that I don't even know what that is. It's so delicious I've got it in my freezer.

Speaker 2:

I'll fix it for you. Don't Google it. Yeah, don't Google it, just eat it.

Speaker 4:

Don't Google it.

Speaker 1:

See, that's scary, I don't know about that it's like a lot of leftovers and stuff. Jarrett Yep.

Speaker 4:

Jarrett gets two points. The innards All right, garth. Okay, here's an odd one Yep Name. In 15 seconds you said a hat Hat Like hats.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, hats, you keep saying hat. If you had a hat like one hat, how many types of hat?

Speaker 3:

Let's say five, five hats.

Speaker 4:

Five hat. Can you name six hat? I have six.

Speaker 1:

You can do six, I think. So yeah, prove it.

Speaker 3:

Prove it. I'm here for you, Mike.

Speaker 4:

I want to hear it All right, you got it in six hats. I wish you were going to see this face In 15 seconds. Six hats Six hats Head coverings. Yeah, yeah, ready, okay, ready, set Go.

Speaker 1:

Scarf? Definitely not a hat.

Speaker 4:

What that goes around your neck I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Pause it, time out. You guys do this to me every time I do this you said scarf. You can put a scarf around your head. It's a wrap, but it's still like a scarf. I'm going to find it.

Speaker 3:

I'll start over. I won't do scarf, scarf.

Speaker 4:

Out of all the hats in the world, you said Scarf first.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I was trying to do the hardest.

Speaker 2:

one last he landed on Scarf, okay, ready.

Speaker 4:

Okay, ready, ready set go Cowboy hat.

Speaker 1:

Hat Toboggan, you've got. Fireman hat Police hat Police hat. Captain's hat Police hat.

Speaker 3:

Captain's hat. What is a captain's hat?

Speaker 1:

Can I say five?

Speaker 2:

You said six. You could have said a hat, a ball cap, a visor A hard hat.

Speaker 1:

We heard about visors last week.

Speaker 3:

I want to see the captain's hat.

Speaker 1:

Like a ship.

Speaker 2:

Like the ship of the commander.

Speaker 4:

Pirate hat. You could have said sombrero, I was getting there.

Speaker 1:

I was getting there.

Speaker 3:

Garth and Jared get a point, I got mine. What are you talking about?

Speaker 4:

I did five, you had to do six. I thought I had to do five.

Speaker 2:

Scarf didn't count. Scarf didn't count. Take your captain hat off. I stopped at five because I thought I had to do five. You stopped because you said time's up.

Speaker 1:

Scarf. You know, like Muslims, wear scarves around their head.

Speaker 3:

That's called a burka. I don't think that's called a burka B-b-b-burka face.

Speaker 1:

Alright, let's move on.

Speaker 4:

Oh, alright, all right let's move on.

Speaker 2:

Oh, all right, I can't listen to it. This might be the most unhinged episode of the show.

Speaker 3:

ever we had a really deep discussion and then the game. No, it was unhinged during the discussion.

Speaker 4:

Mike yeah, how many countries in South America can you name? He set him up. How many countries?

Speaker 3:

in South America, can you?

Speaker 1:

name Set him up South America, that's South of America, so I can do two.

Speaker 3:

You do two.

Speaker 1:

Come on, man, put on your big boy, let's get it all around, let's go around a couple times. Okay, three, all right.

Speaker 4:

Four South of America. You know what? Jared's going to say South of America, you're in a hole here, too I could do five.

Speaker 1:

Prove it. Are you guys sure?

Speaker 3:

Oh no, they're sure yes, as the day I was born, I sure stop he's googling, stop, what do?

Speaker 1:

you mean you can't, I'm not stop all right grab his ipad.

Speaker 4:

Grab his ipad, mike you mean garth garth?

Speaker 3:

yes, we got here, he did he chat gpt south amer. There are 12 countries in South America.

Speaker 1:

You got to name five of them. Five I'm not going to be able to do five.

Speaker 2:

If you get six, that's 50% of the countries We'll give you five points. Are we counting Mexico? Yep.

Speaker 1:

It's like central, all right, ready Set.

Speaker 4:

He's like central All right, ready Set. He's not ready, he's not in the mic.

Speaker 2:

Lean up Mike Ready. Oh man, all right Ready, belize, no I mean no, I'm in Brazil, Brazil.

Speaker 1:

Okay, there you go, I'm in. Brazil, not Belize, let's see Is. Guatemala it's not, I'm not Brazil, I believe. Let's see. Is Guatemala, isn't it right there? No, I don't know, man, time's up.

Speaker 3:

He got one, but he started with Belize.

Speaker 1:

Right, I meant Brazil, I meant Brazil, and then.

Speaker 4:

Guatemala. Where's Guatemala, at Like central yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's funny, all right.

Speaker 4:

Jared yes, okay, that's funny. All right, jared, yes, trey In 15 seconds. How many musical instruments can you name? Five, oh, that's low.

Speaker 3:

Six Seven Prove it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Prove it.

Speaker 4:

I got to give Jared and Garth points for the last round. You got to name seven.

Speaker 1:

Seven. You can do this one Seven ready, ready set go. Organ, piano, guitar, bass, drums, the wind chimes, the congos and bongos Congos and bongos. Wind chimes and saxophone.

Speaker 3:

Okay, wind chimes.

Speaker 4:

Wind chimes. I really wasn't too inclined to count Waiting for confirmation. Wind chimes.

Speaker 2:

I mean they're wind. They're wind chimes. They're not a musical instrument. I meant chimes.

Speaker 1:

I meant chimes, not wind chimes, but it's chimes.

Speaker 2:

Hey, how does the wind chimes get played?

Speaker 1:

With your hands. Oh, wind chimes get played with your hands, but it's the chimes with the hands. It's next to the bongos.

Speaker 2:

No, but the sound of wind chimes from week one with Mike.

Speaker 4:

Mike's sound was the wind All right After four rounds I got two points. I know Jarrett's up four to Garth and Mike's two.

Speaker 1:

Nice, we're tied up.

Speaker 4:

Garth's only points are from your failures. Nice, really capitalizing. All right, garth. How many types of pasta can you name? Now, these are not pasta dishes. This is the box of uncooked pasta. Three, three, oh man, four.

Speaker 2:

Say that again.

Speaker 4:

the question how many types of pasta. It's not like the dish Right. You said it's the noodle, the raw noodle, the raw noodle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you said how many Four. So, that would mean I would have to do five.

Speaker 4:

You can do as many as you want. I'll pass. You want to say prove it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah prove it. I got to do five yeah.

Speaker 4:

That's pretty much the only way I'm coming back right, I mean there's another round, but yeah, all right.

Speaker 1:

I'll do five. Yeah, prove it.

Speaker 4:

All right, you got 15 seconds to name five types of pasta. It's tough Ready set go.

Speaker 3:

Penne, macaroni, spaghetti, linguine, fettuccine, lasagna. That's it.

Speaker 4:

Okay, that was not that hard, I know.

Speaker 2:

Garth, I didn't have my Italian hat on Scarf Italian scarf Italian scarf.

Speaker 1:

Mike didn't say Italian hat.

Speaker 2:

He said chief hat.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to go ahead and put my captain hat on All right Victory.

Speaker 4:

All right, last round. Here we go, mike. Put my captain hat on All right Victory. All right, last round. Here we go. Mike, you have the potential to tie this up and have a three-way tie.

Speaker 1:

I don't know about that, but let's go.

Speaker 4:

I think this is probably your category.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Are you?

Speaker 3:

okay, different types of currency.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it'd be good. Denar Currency. Different types of cheese Can you name in 15?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh cheese.

Speaker 1:

Let's say two, let's start off small, let's go three, three, four.

Speaker 4:

Cheese oh, this is my category. I can knock this one out, really yeah.

Speaker 3:

Cheese, oh this is my category.

Speaker 4:

I can knock this one out, really, yeah, cheesehead.

Speaker 3:

Big cheesehead. I don't really know that many cheeses. I'll say prove it At four.

Speaker 4:

I don't know that many cheeses Prove it.

Speaker 2:

You say prove it, okay, ready. I want Mike to have the opportunity to tie us Okay.

Speaker 1:

Can you give me 30 seconds?

Speaker 4:

I want Mike to cut the cheese Five cheeses Ready set A scarf is not a cheese. Okay, that's what you do to cheese, captain Cheese.

Speaker 1:

Ready set, go Mozzarella, kobe Jack, I've got American, it's Colby Colby. It's also huge and human and so huge. Let's start over. No, okay, american Colby Jack, cheddar mozzarella, and let's see.

Speaker 4:

Gouda Colby. All right, well, that took 22 seconds. We'll give it to him.

Speaker 1:

But I also had a little bit of banter.

Speaker 4:

I don't know why you do that Jared does it to him every time I say a little bit of banter.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why you do that, jared does it to him. Every time I say a little bit of banter, instead of Kobe Bryant it's Kobe Cheese, kobe Kobe.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Kobe Kobe Jack.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, kobe, not Kobe Kobe. You said Kobe.

Speaker 1:

Jack, that's actually literally what you said.

Speaker 4:

It was like it was two different Jesus, like if somebody's first and middle name Famous player Lakers, kobe Jack. Okay, I got it. Yeah, you got it, we'll give it to you. I still think you should lose because you thought Belize was in South America. No, you thought Mexico was at first.

Speaker 1:

I was joking, we didn't start then, but I really meant Brazil and I said Belize.

Speaker 2:

At least he knows that. Mexico is south of America.

Speaker 4:

He didn't know Mexico was south of America.

Speaker 1:

He said south of America no we said south.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

I think he said south of America, but then Belize and Guatemala would have also been acceptable. Right. I don't know why he didn't let me win then Because we said south America?

Speaker 4:

All right, we have a three-way tie. Congratulations, boys Great job.

Speaker 2:

That was fun.

Speaker 3:

That was much better than the cricket we have to wait until next week to see who gets the captain hat.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe you don't know what a captain hat is.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to find them a captain scarf. You know what a captain's hat is?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, women wear scarves over their heads. Thank you, mike.

Speaker 2:

Let's move on before he says anything else, it's a headwear, so are these.

Speaker 3:

You're talking about like the. Gilligan Island hat yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's what Mike wears when he gets out on his pontoon boat.

Speaker 1:

It's funny because I think I do have one somewhere in my house Some really strange.

Speaker 3:

Captain hats for sale on Google.

Speaker 2:

Let's get this back on track. We'll get on Timu and get Mike one for an episode, or Tamu. My apologies.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

All right, let's jump back in, let's open up the word here for a little bit, as we talk about friendships, as we talk about brotherhood. But how does the Bible shape your understanding of what a true friend should be?

Speaker 3:

David and Jonathan. I think that's a beautiful illustration and I really like I mean it was, if I'm not mistaken, wasn't it right after David killed Goliath that he met Jonathan. And it says like right off the bat, Like they were, Like Jonathan was Like sold out. Like all in on David, is it 1 Samuel 18?

Speaker 1:

Let me check, I'd say, the disciples. The disciples you know, like, when you think of the band of brothers, you know that's I think of them, you know, I think of like man, like they went through it, you know they were side by side, they, I mean they followed Jesus everywhere, you know, and to be chosen like that to change the world, I mean it's you've got to. You got to think about how the truth that each one of them had to speak, like the stuff that's not written like, written like man, how did that conversation would have gone? Like what it like you know, and then like, and then how did they cut up?

Speaker 2:

you know, that's all my care, that's all right. I just wonder how?

Speaker 4:

how sarcastic with those guys yeah, I think of, um, I think of. I know we're talking about brotherhood specifically, but I think about ruth and naomi. Yeah, you know, she, naomi. I mean, she lost everything Her husband, both of her sons, and it would have been very easy and understandable for Ruth to stay where she was, but she didn't leave Naomi. She supported her, she provided for her, she had her back, she comforted her and through that we see how God blessed both women with Boaz and how the rest of that story ends.

Speaker 3:

Yep yeah. Right after David killed Goliath, he was talking with the king Saul, and his son, jonathan, became one in spirit with David and he loved him as himself. That's 1 Samuel 18, verse 1. As himself that's 1 Samuel 18, verse 1. From all the way to the end of Jonathan's life, they were the best of friends, and it was all because Jonathan loved David as himself.

Speaker 4:

That's good, and even that friendship extended even after Jonathan was dead, and how David protected his family, yep family members.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because of the covenant.

Speaker 2:

What can we learn through that friendship? When you think of friendship, that's the one For sure. What can you learn from that? Because in Proverbs I'm trying to think, I don't know for sure, but in Proverbs 18, 24, it says there are friends who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. Yeah, and I know David wrote a lot, but I don't know if he wrote that or not, but I need to look into that. But if he did, you look of the encounter that he had with Jonathan and could that be the reason for that? I don't know.

Speaker 4:

And you also think too. You put yourself in David's shoes. How hard would it be to trust the son? Of the man who's trying to kill you. He knew that. I think that even speaks volumes to just the amount of trust that David actually had in Jonathan.

Speaker 3:

But Jonathan did a lot to alleviate doubt, because he would come and see him. Volumes too, like just the amount of trust that david actually had in jonathan. Uh, but jonathan did a lot to alleviate doubt because he would come and see him and yeah, when I was on the, I stand corrected.

Speaker 2:

It was solomon, because it was a proverb, not a psalm. For some reason I was thinking it was a song good job.

Speaker 3:

Um, what are we talking about? David and jonathan? Yeah, yeah, well, um, he said he loved him as himself. So at some level you have to put the needs of someone else before your own right I mean agree so kind of in the similar instance of like how you die to self and you know it becomes more about christ it's. You know it's somebody.

Speaker 1:

You're putting someone else's needs before your own and you just, I mean just you can't really.

Speaker 3:

You can't be selfish in a friendship you know no and any brotherhood and expect it to last right, because I'm happy.

Speaker 1:

I mean we all know, I mean we all have acquaintances or semi-friends that, like man gosh, they just take, take, take, you know, and it's, and it's just exhausting, right, it's like man, why do I have to like, why do you call me all the time for this stuff, like like every time I call you, you don't, you don't want to jump up and help out I mean there's obviously I think we've we've done a good job of expressing the need for the brotherhood for you men and I would even take take it to the other part of a sisterhood for you ladies out there Like there is something said for those—that it is deeper than just friendships and having that and going into that.

Speaker 2:

But let's close with a little bit of transparency and I know we've kind of been transparent a little bit already and if you have any other scriptures we can tie them into this part as we close this episode out. But how does transparency truly lead to deeper and more meaningful?

Speaker 1:

friendships. You know, like, I know, like, like, we're supposed to be strong and like we, you know, we were having dinner with a friend, um, our lunch with a friend, and he was like you know, you guys got to be strong. You know, can't cry, I can't, cause you know, he, he, there's something devastating happened to his family and uh, uh, with one of his kids and and he's like I, you know, I, my wife's upset all the time and he's like, but I can't cry, I can't. You know, I've got it, I've got to put on this. You know that. You know this, men are meant to be tough, yeah, but but like, we've got to be vulnerable too, like it's, like it's okay, it's okay to put your guard down and not have this rough exterior all the time but I understand that you know his desire to be strong in the home, to be, you know, to to be that solid place for his wife.

Speaker 4:

But when he is, he should have that opportunity to to be vulnerable and to let his guard down.

Speaker 1:

If he feels like he had in this season, he's got to be the steady one yeah, well, but I mean, but even with like, with his like in that, in that moment, like it was a moment for him to kind of share with us like hey, but be you know, but be willing to be trained.

Speaker 1:

But then the other side is that if you want somebody to be transparent, be open and don't brush it off, dive in a little bit deeper, because there's moments, there's gonna be moments where that you're gonna have to probe a little bit and if you hear somebody heart don't like, hey, I'll take a number two. You know, uh, if you're sitting there around lunch, you know, um, uh, I know you guys looked at me funny because, anyway, why do we look at you, funny mike.

Speaker 1:

All the numbers, yeah, I have all the numbers you took a number, you chose scarf well I was in your scarf and so uh, so you just gotta, you know, you've got to be willing to probe those, you know those um, to go deeper within that relationship, instead of saying, all right, guys, we're going to move on to something next.

Speaker 2:

You know like ask, ask tough questions I think that brings up a good point, um, when you have a true friendship and a true relationship, a true brotherhood, one for all. You ladies out there listening, this may not apply to you guys, but men are different and the way that we feel that we have to lead a home does put a weight on our shoulders that we don't want our spouses to bear, that we don't want our spouses to bear, and because we put that weight on it, it is hard to have those conversations with your spouse because, you don't want them to bear that burden, because you feel like you have to bear that burden, and whether that's right or wrong, that's just the DNA and the makeup

Speaker 2:

of men. So that is why I would take it a step further the criticalness of having true godly men in your lives and having that brotherhood and having that relationship. But within that you don't abuse. You know it's a give and take relationship and I think some of the things that you were talking about you know it's not always. You know the give, give, give. Nor is it always the take, take, take. And you have people that try to do that. They feel like, oh, what can you do for me? That's that relationship. No, I want a relationship where I'm being heard and it's not always what can somebody do for me, but I just want them to be there to listen when it comes to a point of hearing the feedback, and I think that's the to.

Speaker 2:

You know, when it comes to a point of hearing the feedback, and I think that's the women may think men are really bad listeners, but maybe in a group of guys like that's where it can get a little bit better. I hear you, I hear you. No, I mean it is important like to just shut your mouth and listen and hear what people are trying to say, because if you truly listen, you're going to start hearing their heart.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like a Proverbs 27, verses five and six, better is open rebuke than hidden love.

Speaker 3:

Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiple kisses you know, you gotta be honest, even when it's difficult, because you know that's how you show you care about somebody else's well-being. And I'd rather be punched in the mouth and stabbed in the back like like, we'll work through it. Especially men, uh, we fight and stuff all the time, and if you ever want to see two men become friends, have a fist fight, you know, because they'll be friends afterwards. It always plays out like that.

Speaker 1:

And I would say is be prepared for God moments. And what I mean by that is that a lot of times we get busy and we're just ready to jump from one thing to another, to another. But be prepared to have that conversation if you realize that if you hear somebody's body language and you can see it like you can see that they need, I mean I hear their body and watch their body language, tray, and and then if they say something that's like kind of off kilter a little bit, like you know, let's, let's dive into that. Don't, don't move on to the next thing or drop what you're doing to go somewhere else, yeah be sensitive and just be ready for God moments.

Speaker 2:

That's good. So what's one thing that you can do this week, or that you will do this week, to strengthen your friendships?

Speaker 1:

I'm going to send a text message out to my friend saying hey, man, I appreciate you.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I'm going to send it to you guys right now. Let me commit my phone out. You want to send it right now'm not gonna send it to Trina we're waiting honestly just listen.

Speaker 4:

I think that goes a long way, just listen yeah, I mean, I think that just being intentional with the time that you spend, like you know, I think I think part of what I struggle with is, you know, sharing like me, being open, and I think when you, what I struggle with is, you know, sharing like me, being open, and I think when you're open, maybe it gives somebody else the comfort to be open back and maybe, you know, just take the first step.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or to just be available and make yourself available to those situations when they present themselves. So the last question of this episode is going to be how can the listeners right now apply what they've heard in this episode to their own lives? What is the lasting thought that, hey, I'm trying to get more friends, have good, godly relationships in my life. What can they apply from what we've talked about right now into their own lives? Step one say yes.

Speaker 3:

Put yourself out there, go out there and when you get there, be present and active.

Speaker 4:

And it's not to say that the first you know you meet somebody and the next day, oh, it's my accountability partner. It's a progress. You have to build that friendship, build that trust, and then it becomes the sisterhood, the brotherhood.

Speaker 1:

Invite them to go do something. Let's go play golf. I mean the sisterhood, the brotherhood. Invite them to go do something, let's go play golf.

Speaker 4:

If they golf, do you golf, mike?

Speaker 1:

I don't golf, but I would love the opportunity to say no.

Speaker 4:

Same. Do you golf, Troy? I don't, but I do play pickleball. I've been invited.

Speaker 1:

Same here.

Speaker 3:

I don't play golf, but if someone invited me to go. I would say yes if I was trying to pursue you got golf clubs no. To pursue, you got golf clubs no. But I mean I can drive a golf cart, same same, let's go golfing. Every time they swing I can do a little golf clap.

Speaker 4:

Let's go golfing and just watch Jarrett do it. That's what it sounds like right now. We'll be on the golf cart Because it sounds like I'm the only one that has golf clubs.

Speaker 2:

here. We'll get two golf carts for one bag of golf clubs, and I'm left-handed and all you guys are right-handed. That sounds like a great idea.

Speaker 3:

I'm ambidextrous man, I can figure it out. Oh dear Lord Jared's like I'm going to get it back upset.

Speaker 1:

Make sure they're right-handed.

Speaker 4:

These are my friend's gloves.

Speaker 1:

We can just share a bag.

Speaker 3:

I told my friend I know that's going to blow up Jarrett. Just to be accountable.

Speaker 1:

I broke your driver. I told my friend because Jarrett was going golfing, and I said I didn't get invited to go golfing. I said you want to go? I said, dude, let's just go, we'll share one bag of golf clubs. I said we'll just ride the golf cart and let's just, and let's just wear funniest looking clothes. We just kind of not necessarily make it a mockery, but what we would do is just go and have a good time where everybody would want to be on our team.

Speaker 1:

He was like that sounds like fun, but I sick. I said your father-in-law owns a pawn shop man, just pick up some gloves and then his wife goes. That sounds like a lot of fun. My dad's got a thousand dollar pair of golf clubs. He's like just take them. He's on vacation.

Speaker 2:

Would you wear a golf hat? I would wear a golf hat, captain hat.

Speaker 1:

Kango Golf scarf I'd wear shorts with bright colors. No, no, no, sl, I'd wear shorts with bright colors. No, no, no, slacks, slacks.

Speaker 2:

All right, Mike, give us your closing thoughts, then we're going to wrap this up, show yourself friendly. Show yourself friendly. That's your closing thought.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that was a mic drop. Just show yourself friendly, that was a mic drop All right, you heard it here first.

Speaker 2:

Well, or second, show yourself friendly. From Mike Niedermeyer, jesus. Thank you guys once again for tuning in as we talked about brotherhood, as we talked about friendships. It really, really is important and we do believe, as this group and our church. We say life is better together. So get plugged in wherever your community is, get plugged in, get involved, say yes, buy golf clubs and go make yourself friendly. Make and go make yourself friendly.

Speaker 1:

Make sure they're right-handed.

Speaker 2:

And wear a scarf while you're doing all of these things, and that is a bulletproof plan to not be accepted into a friend group. That was a very long summary of this episode, but hey, tune in next week as we're going to be talking about the power of forgiveness in the Christian life, the power of forgiveness. But, trey, I'm going to ask you to close this episode out in prayer and thank you, guys, so much for listening.

Speaker 4:

Lord, we thank you, god, for the chance to come together, lord, to speak on this topic of friendship and brotherhood. And, father, we just ask, lord, that you give us opportunities, lord, to be a good friend. And God, that you would open doors for us to create strong friendships that lead to brotherhood, that lead to accountability. And, god, we just ask that, as we go our separate ways, lord, that you bring us back here safely again next time and all we do brings you glory and honor. Just let me pray Amen.

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