The C.A.S.T.

S2 Ep:2 Knowing God vs Experiencing God

September 18, 2023 Jaret, Garth, Trey, and Mike Season 2 Episode 2
S2 Ep:2 Knowing God vs Experiencing God
The C.A.S.T.
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The C.A.S.T.
S2 Ep:2 Knowing God vs Experiencing God
Sep 18, 2023 Season 2 Episode 2
Jaret, Garth, Trey, and Mike

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We dare to ask, is it enough to simply know God, or does a richer understanding lie in truly experiencing Him? We unpack the distinction between head knowledge and heart knowledge, leveraging the imagery of a hurricane to illustrate the magnitude of experiencing God's creation firsthand. 

We delve into the profound role of knowing and experiencing God in cultivating an intimate relationship with Him. We ponder how our understanding of scripture invites us to experience God, and how these encounters through his creation, people, or other means can deepen our understanding of Him. This isn't just about emotionalism; it's about embracing God's presence in our lives, creating space for Him to show up, and responding with faith. 

As we navigate this spiritual journey, we let loose and have fun with a friendly post game show challenging each other to name various objects, landmarks, and movies. It may seem offbeat, but it's part of our quest to not only deepen our understanding of God but also enrich our everyday lives with His joy. So, buckle up and join us as we venture down this path of knowing and experiencing God more deeply, while also having a bit of fun along the way.

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We dare to ask, is it enough to simply know God, or does a richer understanding lie in truly experiencing Him? We unpack the distinction between head knowledge and heart knowledge, leveraging the imagery of a hurricane to illustrate the magnitude of experiencing God's creation firsthand. 

We delve into the profound role of knowing and experiencing God in cultivating an intimate relationship with Him. We ponder how our understanding of scripture invites us to experience God, and how these encounters through his creation, people, or other means can deepen our understanding of Him. This isn't just about emotionalism; it's about embracing God's presence in our lives, creating space for Him to show up, and responding with faith. 

As we navigate this spiritual journey, we let loose and have fun with a friendly post game show challenging each other to name various objects, landmarks, and movies. It may seem offbeat, but it's part of our quest to not only deepen our understanding of God but also enrich our everyday lives with His joy. So, buckle up and join us as we venture down this path of knowing and experiencing God more deeply, while also having a bit of fun along the way.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the cast, hey, and welcome to our second episode of season two. We are back and we are happy to be here. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening. I'm Jarrett, I'm Garth, I'm Mike.

Speaker 2:

And I'm Trey.

Speaker 1:

And today we're going to be diving into a couple pretty cool things. But before we do that, if this is your first time listening to us, we just want to say welcome. Our goal here at the cast is to disciple our listeners through our discussion and our engagement through the next half hour or so. But before we get into this and I kick it over to Trey, Mike, can you open this up with a word of prayer? Absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Heavenly Father, we just thank you for this day. Lord, I pray that you just be with our listeners. Lord, I pray that you just give us words to speak and just say we pray, amen, amen.

Speaker 2:

Amen, all right. So, as we mentioned in our first unofficial episode of season two that we are going to do things a little bit differently this season, so we are not going to stick to such a rigid structure of the CAST with a halftime show in the middle. There still will be a halftime show.

Speaker 3:

Are you okay with that, Jarrett?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Rigid structure? No, you lack of rigid structure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, rigid structure.

Speaker 2:

Did I say that wrong?

Speaker 1:

I can't talk Rigid. I'm trying to go with the flow, guys, rigidity Don't get nervous man.

Speaker 3:

He does not look nervous at all.

Speaker 4:

I was just joking, don't want to interrupt you, or nothing.

Speaker 2:

Mike's first joke of the season falls on his face.

Speaker 1:

At least he interrupted you and not me.

Speaker 4:

My how the turns table.

Speaker 3:

See this is why our episodes are really long, mercy.

Speaker 2:

Is that the episode title?

Speaker 3:

of the turns table.

Speaker 2:

It says for mercy.

Speaker 1:

We're not even two minutes in and we already went off the rails.

Speaker 4:

Somebody done, lit the dumpster. That's the show title, all right.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's grabbing back guys.

Speaker 2:

Have you missed us? Cause we've missed this. All right. So for our first topic of the season, we are going to be talking about experiencing God versus knowing God. Is it enough to know God? Do you need the experience? Is the experience more important than knowing? We're going to dive into all of those different topics today to kick things off. Jared, you want to get the conversation started?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's. Let's get it off with a question, Kick it off with that. Let's just say what do you guys think is more important? Do you think knowing God or experiencing God is more important?

Speaker 4:

Knowing God. I think that, because I feel like the effect is more eternal, like long lasting, you get more fruit from truly knowing him than just an experience. And then the other thing between the discernment is what's emotion and what's God.

Speaker 2:

I think you have to know him in order for the experience to yeah, to be impactful, like yeah, I think like. So I'm sorry.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I don't know if you're trying. So I think I think I agree with Garth, I think knowing, I think knowing is important and I think that's that supersedes just the experience, because sometimes you're not going to experience like people. I think sometimes experience it's it's it's made a little bit farther down than what we're, what you really want right now. But I think sometimes people think, oh, it's a feeling, it's a feeling. Well, sometimes feelings are false, and so it's emotion. Yeah. And so I think you know, knowing is more important than just experience and, however, I believe that they go hand in hand.

Speaker 2:

For sure. I think that knowing God is what will allow you to decipher between emotionalism and hype versus a true encounter where you leave changed. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I look the way that I look at I think it's a little different than how you guys are looking at it. I look at knowing God as head knowledge and experiencing him more as the heart knowledge right and knowing him is. Anybody can know God, they can know about him, but until they have that true experience, that true encounter with him, they're never going to truly know him. Right, I can read a book about Abraham Lincoln and know about him all day long, but I never got to meet him. I never got to have that encounter with him. So I never experienced what the books say about Abraham Lincoln. The books say that he was a generous guy, this great leader. I don't know that. The only thing I know is what the books say.

Speaker 1:

But until I've really encountered and experienced that and I think it's the same with God is I believe that we have a lot of people who know about him but they've never experienced him. No, atheists can know about God but they've never experienced him. And so without that experience, can you have that life change? And when I talk about experience, I'm not talking about the emotionalism we know, as God is the Creator, but if we've never experienced his creation, how do we truly understand that knowledge that we've read about? And when I think about the different two, I look Pharisees knew about him, but they couldn't get over that experience factor, and that's why I think I'm looking at it through a little bit of a different lens.

Speaker 1:

I get what you guys are saying I do think they do go hand in hand 100%, but if we, I don't think you can have one without the other to have a true encounter with God and really to be saved. You can't have one without the other.

Speaker 2:

Well, is there a difference between an experience and an encounter?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So we're using those.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, those are interchangeable. Yeah, they both start with E.

Speaker 3:

That's a good thing. Knowing doesn't start with an E, Exactly as an example no like for an example.

Speaker 1:

I'm like where this kind of spurred from is when we were at the beach and the hurricane Adalia, or whatever it was called, came blowing through and I experienced God's creation through that and I remember just standing on the beach that Friday morning after the hurricane it kind of blown through but the wind was still crazy. I was out there by myself. It was like seven, eight o'clock in the morning. I'm just sitting on the beach getting blasted by the sand because it's like 40 mile an hour and I'm like, oh, it's exfoliating.

Speaker 1:

I came back all smooth skin but I'm just watching the waves come and they're massive. I mean this ocean's angry and I'm watching the power of these waves and it just hit me. I had that experience of the creation and the creator is always stronger than the creation and to see that God had created this and how powerful this is. I just had a moment of revelation of how powerful God is, like if his creation was this powerful and he's more powerful than that and like I had that experience and I think we've got Bible studies and we've got this and that and people are really good at knowing God but they're not good at experiencing him. And I'm not saying it in an emotional way, I'm not talking about the roller coaster of the ups and downs and where we do get emotional about it, but truly every single day. Let me ask this question Do you believe that we can experience God every day?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, how do we do that?

Speaker 4:

You draw as near to him as you choose, right. You have to choose him, though, and it's you know. The significant thing is God's word right, Like how committed are you to that? Because you're never going to know his will or his plan for you if you're not in it regularly? Go?

Speaker 2:

ahead. I think if you're going to experience God every day, I think you first have to know him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you do.

Speaker 2:

But what I'm? Saying is I'm not talking like, but when, like when we talk about to know like, I think that's deeper, like if you know someone, I think that's a deeper thing than just being aware of them.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like you know, you know know of them versus.

Speaker 3:

I like I know them yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like I mean, I don't know Brad Pitt, but I'm aware of him and I can't experience him because I don't know him. So you talk about, like how, um, like, the atheists know, know about God, but they don't know him. They might have heard his name, they might know some fact, but they don't know him.

Speaker 3:

So how do you know him? All right, so what it was? I got an example. So I know Trey, right, but I knew of Trey first, and then I got to meet Trey, so I know Trey, but then hey, but you know what, hey, and I would almost like a dinner table. You know, hey, no, but I know Trey. He sat at my table and we've had dinner together, we've broke bread. You had an experience, correct, but I, but I know him.

Speaker 1:

Because of experience.

Speaker 3:

Well, yes and yes and no, no, no, no, no, no. But I would say yeah, I mean yeah, absolutely yes, yeah, I mean it's kind of, but it's. I mean I don't think it's. I think it's going to be hard to give a a definite like, well, is there a big? There is a big difference because, yeah, I, I see what you're saying, jared, but but like for like Trey, like, hey, I know Trey, but because we have that relationship, we've had experiences together, but we had to have the relationship first Correct.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, there's a scripture that said like you know, I've tasted and seen right and on some level he just does the supernatural stuff. Like everybody has their own Red Sea moment, right when God steps in and does what is impossible, that cannot be done, and there's no other worldly explanation for it other than it's God. Well, at that moment, right, you have to recognize that you have to be alert and notice.

Speaker 1:

Give me one example in the Bible where someone came to God without experiencing him.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, because he draws, he comes to us Right, right. He's always relentlessly pursuing us and we're the only thing in creation that reject or disobey him.

Speaker 1:

I mean, look at Moses, the burning bush experience.

Speaker 2:

But I will say, did he know him first?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But did he know? Did he know God before he experienced him in the book?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, he knew of the things that he has heard, the things that he's read, but when he had that encounter, his life was changed forever. Sure, Right. So okay, let me just all right, because we said knowing and know Right.

Speaker 2:

But you can't say that an atheist knows God.

Speaker 1:

I said they know about him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but the statement was also anybody can know God, they can.

Speaker 1:

They can know about God, they can have the option to okay.

Speaker 2:

So is this knowing about or is this knowing? Those are different things being aware of something versus knowing something. Mm-hmm, those are two different things. Right, the atheists don't know God. They're aware of him. Well, they're aware of, they are aware in their minds of a concept of God.

Speaker 1:

Okay, they obviously deny him. So how do you get to?

Speaker 2:

know God. I mean, that's the head knowledge you have to.

Speaker 1:

That's the heart knowledge. You can have the head knowledge, but you don't truly know who God is until you've accepted him with your heart.

Speaker 3:

I mean. So let's back up, because you know, I mean I see the perspective, but I also see like you've got doctors that teach. I want to say doctor, like not Dr Quinn, the medicine woman. You know I'm talking like who, it's an old show.

Speaker 4:

Dr Taker Reiner.

Speaker 3:

So, like you know, like you know, doctors are teaching. You've got professors teaching the Bible and they're teaching theology, but they don't know Jesus and a lot of times sometimes they're anti-God and so. But they have the knowledge, but they may have never experienced or they've been hurt, and so they blame God which is going to go down a whole nother road.

Speaker 4:

On some level you got to circle back to the Bible man, because that's where his character was revealed, that's where you know all those promises are revealed and that's where his will you know. You get to see his heart. You get to see, you know who we are made in the image of. That's how you get to know him. And I'm serious on a lot of levels. Those experiences that I've had are tied to that.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. That's where it comes full circle to me.

Speaker 4:

Like the light bulb comes on.

Speaker 1:

Right, you can't, you definitely. They are interchangeable, you can't have one without the other right the knowledge helps lead to the experience, and that experience solidifies that knowledge.

Speaker 2:

Right. I don't think you can't have a relationship with God without both knowing him and experiencing him.

Speaker 1:

Right, and I agree with that. But I think and here's where I want to go with this I believe that people where we're at as a Christianity as a whole.

Speaker 1:

I think a lot of times puts an emphasis and when I say experience, I do not mean emotionalism, I am not meaning that but people will put the emphasis on knowing him. And you've got a bunch of people that are like Pharisees, who they know about God, they know, they can memorize scripture, they can recite scripture, but they've never encountered him. And until and the reason being is because, well, we're going to study this, we're going to do that we don't allow God. God is moving and we can experience God every single day of our lives, but we don't set time aside to see God moving and to experience him Experienced in truth.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and I just I want us to make sure that we are allowing time for God in our lives, that we're making room I think that's a better way to say it that we're making room for him in our lives to show up through his creation, to show up through people, to show up in these different ways where we truly have that encounter. Because, dray, what you said about Brad Pitt is true you know about him, but until you meet him, you're never going to experience him, and but the thing is, just because you've met him doesn't necessarily mean you really know him.

Speaker 3:

Now to Romans five, five and now. Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, who has given, given to us, and so you know it's so. That would be the experience, because it is. I mean, I get what you're saying is that the experience is a heart, is a heart matter, right, you know? And and then I? But I think that you can, I know that we can all agree that we have experienced God supernaturally in our lives and like a burning bush. You know, we've all have burning bushes in our lives. That it's like, I know that's God. And and once you and I believe, once you experience that burning bush, there's no, you can't deny, and I don't want to say there's no turning back. But I know in my life there's no turning back, like, because I've had that experience. There's no way I would ever say you know what God's not real, it takes you deeper Right.

Speaker 1:

It takes you to that next.

Speaker 3:

So I would say that that experience that you know, that miracle or that supernatural event that has taken place, I, I that I would say for me, that's how I'm classified, that's my experience, sure, and then, but I know that, I know that I know that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, like that that and granted in and at some point. How do you know that? Because I know that's called faith. Your faith has made you well Right. So, I do faith, yeah, so I think that is where like.

Speaker 3:

How do you know that? From knowledge to to your heart, to say you know, I believe it. Yeah, Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Because but I I talked to people on salvation right Because of the things that they have done and what it shows me is they've not experienced God's grace, or they needed, or or they need to be reminded of their burning bush, which is an experience, Right?

Speaker 3:

Thank you. Well, I think this episode is close.

Speaker 2:

I think Philippians 3 10 sums up both of them perfectly. I want to know Christ, yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him and death.

Speaker 1:

See, there's, there's a Greek word Genosako. I believe, but it means to know by experience.

Speaker 2:

What is the word? Translate to To know by experience.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know, that's the Greek word, to know. It's genosako and it means to know by experience. So I'm curious, like in that one, like what is that? You know that Greek word there? Because I do think that you've got that, you know in that scripture. It could be that it may not be, I don't know, but I just know that that is a Greek word, I think summarizes it and it's pretty powerful for what it is. But when we say, well, yes, I know that I'm saved, we've experienced his grace, how do we say God is love? How do we know God is love?

Speaker 4:

His word.

Speaker 1:

Is that enough To like for you to just know that it's his love?

Speaker 2:

Should be, but experience affirms it Right.

Speaker 4:

I mean a lot of it boils down to what's true, like true, absolute truth, like what is it? And if we all agree on that, it's the Bible, then that is the basis of the beginning of wisdom, right, and that's how you start down that road of following him.

Speaker 1:

Because there's people that will read it and they question it. They have the knowledge, but they still question it until they have encountered God's love, his mercy, his grace. And once they have encountered, like whoa, everything I have read is now flooding back and it's coming full circle.

Speaker 4:

It is true, he said do what it says Right. And if you just read it and agree with it, you have to obey it, you have to believe it and walk in it.

Speaker 1:

And that's like the reason I want to kind of cover this topic today is because I just feel burdened for people that are consuming the head knowledge but they're. And again I'm going to say one more time when we talk about experience, I'm not talking about emotionalism. I'm truly talking about slowing down, taking it one day at a time and looking around your everyday life to experience what God is doing.

Speaker 2:

But I do think that you know we talk about. I know you're not talking about emotionalism, but there are certain situations, like when we have those emotional moments where God truly is moving. I mean it's an emotional thing, absolutely 100%. So I do. I don't want to discount those moments as not being an experience, but that's not it.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, I'm not saying it's not, but that's not the everyday thing that I'm talking about. Sure, Like we, I think we miss God every day. We miss encounters with Him every day because we're so busy and we may say, hey, like this week, I'm going to be very intentional in looking at God and these different great. But we get so caught up in the mundane and just the everyday life that we have missed encounters with God that he's put right before us.

Speaker 3:

And I think that, and I think that there's also to an extreme, that there's more people that care more about the feeling. And the goosebumps yeah, oh yeah, and and they're on this and I, you know, I always you know, in this cloud, you know, and it's just like, wait a minute, you got to come back down to earth and it's not, and it's almost like it's not backed up by scripture and they're having this experience. But wait a minute, there's there's no, sometimes there's no fruit from the experience.

Speaker 2:

God's not going to move and they're not be a benefit Right, and there's no benefit than it was in God moving, right, it's correct.

Speaker 1:

And I think we again. The reason I wanted to bring this up is, I believe we look for God in those big moments and that's it Right.

Speaker 1:

And if we do that, we're doing it wrong, Like he he wants to every single day, you know, should reveal more and more of himself to us, and when you really get it right, it's you're reading his word. He's revealing himself through the word. You're experiencing him through that knowledge as well. So, yeah, yes, I'm not saying knowledge is bad, knowing him is bad. That's not what I'm saying. I just I think at times, we can you know it's life.

Speaker 4:

So he's, he has to be the forefront of it, he has to be the priority in it.

Speaker 2:

So, but I think it. I think it does go back to the original question, which is more important, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it could have been a trick question too.

Speaker 2:

Well, but what is it?

Speaker 1:

So okay. So I think to me it def define what we're saying to know If you mean just to know, like at a very, I can read the Bible and know and that's it then I would say experiencing him is more important because of, like I said, an atheist can read it and know of God.

Speaker 4:

You know the, the transparency piece for me in this year and the things that I've gone through is is to been is praising him. Right, just keep praising him.

Speaker 4:

And it is easy to praise him on the mountain top. It's a whole other thing to keep praising him when you are stomped right Like crushed in the valley. But that is that's if you're going to grow and you're going to experience him. That coin is both sides and it's that's the cost. You have to praise him on the highs and in the lows the exact same way, because he is, he is the same.

Speaker 3:

So I don't want, I don't want to take scripture out of context or the this passage, but when Jesus did his first miracle, it was, you know, the wedding. And so when he was turning water into wine, the, his mom, mary, says to the servants do what he says, whatever he said, do whatever he said. But the thing is is that it doesn't say that the servants knew Jesus. And so they said do whatever he says. And so they had to experience. They experienced a miracle, but again it doesn't say that they knew. But again it'd be kind of hard to go to a wedding and say, oh, I don't know who Jesus is Well, what other choice did they have?

Speaker 1:

Their servants, right, I mean, like you're right, they didn't say they knew. They probably knew about him, maybe, but what choice? They're out of line, like what choice do they have? So I'm going to listen to this lady maybe crazy, but I'm going to do it anyway.

Speaker 2:

But also in that situation they were probably like they didn't have a choice.

Speaker 1:

Whatever they were told to do. But, still that's a good perspective.

Speaker 4:

The whole theme of the Gospel of John is the presentation of evidence that is meant to start belief in him and through that belief, you, that you have life in him. So they right, they didn't know, but through that evidence, you better believe.

Speaker 2:

Right, you better believe they believe they're going to learn today.

Speaker 3:

They're going to learn today. Yeah, I think it's just funny because it's like, okay, I'm listening to this woman told me to do whatever this guy does. I may not know him, but after you know we're just putting some water in this.

Speaker 4:

No, there's 180 gallons of water.

Speaker 3:

Let's just put 108 gallons of water and I would imagine the hands shaking. I don't know how this is going to taste.

Speaker 4:

Man, he's hitting on something different.

Speaker 1:

Let's get back to the Bible we weren't talking about that that was the Bible.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it kind of deer out a little bit. Psalm 1611 says you will show me the path of life, and in your presence is fullness of joy, at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. And I just, I don't know. I go back to that and I think you see both right, because he's showing him, and then in your presence, like being in that presence is experiencing God. And so my takeaway from it is, yes, they, they are both important, but I think sometimes, because we don't want to get caught up in that emotional aspect, we may lose sight on the experience part, and I don't want to. I don't want to do that. I want us to try to open our eyes and slow down and see him in every single part of our lives.

Speaker 4:

Surrender lay your life down. That's yeah, that's good.

Speaker 2:

You ready for a halftime show?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what are we doing after the halftime show? Probably it's going to close the show. Okay, great, all right?

Speaker 2:

Well, this is the post game party.

Speaker 3:

So, well, hold on. Before we go to the post game. Let's just so. What would you? What would you say? You're one, if you guys? One final thought about this topic for our listeners before we go to like a post game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, some little lighthearted and fun.

Speaker 2:

And for me. You know that. You know you can't have one without the other.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Right. That, to me, is what the the conclusion is is. I think they they have to go hand in hand experiencing God, like Jared talks about, every single day, and taking the time and making room for him.

Speaker 1:

You you only yeah. Making room. That's the key.

Speaker 2:

That's that's the key, but knowing him is what gives that meaning Right.

Speaker 4:

There's a verse that says you know, there's a road that appears to be right but in the end it leads to death. And I think the Holy spirit, he helps us more than we know right To discern which, you know which road to travel and you know transparency. I was way off in the beginning of this episode, you know I had I rolled up experience as emotionalism and I was wrong. And it's an, it's a combination of the two right To know that you're on that right path.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think for me is we talked about knowing God and knowing God. Anybody can know God. I think know about God, but that experience helps us know.

Speaker 2:

God, it's me more, more being aware of God knowing. God. But I just think, once we define what we're talking about, sure, I think it helps us have a better conversation.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I would say just like the dumpster. And I would say, I think one final thought for me would be is remember the burning bush in your life. Yeah, because I think that that experience is going to help you remember.

Speaker 4:

And so just remember that burning.

Speaker 2:

And that's why I write it Go ahead. It's like when the Israelites crossed the Jordan, they built a monument and there, and you know, they can go back to that and they can say, man, remember when God did this, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's why I said look at every like. You can't give me an example in scripture, and if you can, please do I mean correct, I'll own it. But I just don't know of any off the top of my head where he didn't reveal himself. There wasn't an experience Like look at Paul Saul being turned to Paul, any great transition like that. There was always him experiencing and showing up. And so for me my final thought is the head to heart knowledge of just you know, allowing God to break down those things, those walls that you've built up, because I think we have with the knowledge, the head knowledge that we have, we can kind of create some false walls and, you know, just allowing the Holy Spirit and God to break those down and to show us through the day to day experience of him and creation and just his love and mercy and grace he will draw near to you.

Speaker 3:

Will you draw?

Speaker 4:

near to him Amen.

Speaker 1:

All right, hey, get the whistle in there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right, so this is going to be, our halftime post game.

Speaker 3:

All right, we're just going to call it a post game this is the show Right?

Speaker 2:

This is. This is the competition. This is where Mike gets to embarrass himself.

Speaker 3:

Mike, I hope you win.

Speaker 2:

I hope you win, just to prove us all wrong, okay. I know you're not going to, but it'd be a cool experience if you did See what you did there All right. So we're going to play one of our favorite games. That's my personal favorite game from last season. We're going to do what did we call this?

Speaker 1:

I don't know what we're doing.

Speaker 2:

The list game that Mike Like we have a timer. Yeah Right, mike said the Bahamas was in Europe.

Speaker 1:

Challenge flag.

Speaker 2:

Challenge flag. That's what we called it. All right. So chat GPT helped me come up with the categories today. Oh boy, thank you, ai. Yep, ai helped me out here, so it is going to be. I'm going to say this I feel like these are probably the hardest categories we've had. We have 15 seconds, right? Yeah, 15 seconds, all right. So the way it works, I'm going to give you a category. We start with Jared. You tell me how many you can name in 15 seconds.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I remember how the games.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's all comes flooding back.

Speaker 2:

Garth, you will have the opportunity to either up him, challenge or you can challenge him, and then it will go to Mike. Once one person has been challenged twice, they now have to meet or fail at the challenge. If they are successful, they score two points. If they are not successful, the other two players will score one point. Got it All right, so we're all ready for this, jared.

Speaker 1:

The first category has spelled oh hey, are we going to do where if I say what's going on over there?

Speaker 2:

If I come by Jared and guards and they will score.

Speaker 1:

Garth, who is Garth Landis, so let's say it's my turn and I don't get it. I know the other players get one point. Do I lose a point?

Speaker 2:

What do y'all think?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Mike's going to be the negative Well loser.

Speaker 1:

That's a two point swing, exactly.

Speaker 2:

So I want they just get two points.

Speaker 1:

I want who get two points, the other two, because then it's let's just do it.

Speaker 3:

Let's not overthink this.

Speaker 2:

All right, here we go Famous landmarks. Now we need to decide broad. I don't want to say we need to decide. Is this like going to be like monuments and nature? I think it should be. I think it should be both.

Speaker 1:

Okay, sure, I think it should be the monument.

Speaker 2:

The. Let's just do nature.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Sam, no what.

Speaker 1:

All right, this is gonna suck. It's just gonna suck. I want to go two, two.

Speaker 2:

Oh are we just doing nature?

Speaker 3:

or are we doing like? What do you want to do?

Speaker 1:

Let's do both. Okay, we'll do both. The fakes is in Two.

Speaker 2:

Two, four.

Speaker 1:

Five Challenge.

Speaker 2:

I need that one.

Speaker 4:

All right, let me start this off right Challenge.

Speaker 2:

Okay, five and 15 seconds. Yes, if you can't do this, let's go. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, all right, ready, yeah, set go.

Speaker 3:

Natural bridge. Let's start over with nature. Yeah, yeah, why do you guys look at me?

Speaker 4:

when I say natural, that's a landmark, it's so nature. Okay, we'll give it to you. I just laughed it's so natural, because I thought you were going something bigger.

Speaker 3:

Natural bridge. I was kind of working my way up to DC.

Speaker 1:

He's in like four right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Four seconds.

Speaker 3:

No, I was just starting Ready. No, you can't say natural bridge. Then yeah, starting natural.

Speaker 2:

You're at three seconds. You got 12 left, 12. Oh, 12 seconds. I'm only doing five right, four things to let tonight Ready set go.

Speaker 3:

Monticello, jamestown, williamsburg, you've got those are Keep going Eiffel Tower, and there's one more. Let's just say Mount Olympus, mount Olympus.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Is that a real?

Speaker 4:

place. You said nature, you said nature and you said Monticello, monticello, monticello it's.

Speaker 1:

Monticello, it's Monticello, it's Monticello.

Speaker 3:

It's Monticello. It's Monticello.

Speaker 2:

It's Monticello, and then you just named two cities.

Speaker 1:

Those are landmarks. Mount Olympus isn't a real place, yeah.

Speaker 3:

It may as a Mount Olympia, it's Mount Olympia.

Speaker 2:

That's a forest, that's a forest Olympic National Park.

Speaker 3:

Keep going, Mike. Oh, not Olympics. You know what I hate this game.

Speaker 1:

You guys are horrible.

Speaker 3:

I should have just stuck with monuments.

Speaker 4:

I just got tickets to Monticello. It is.

Speaker 2:

Monticello you got four tickets for Monticello the best one is I got tickets to Mount Olympus. I'm going to go see Zeus and Hercules.

Speaker 3:

It is I was about Olympic, mount Olympic. I'm going to Google this guy.

Speaker 4:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, Thank you, I've missed this All right, so we're going to give a point to Jarrett and Garth there. You sure you still want to lose one Mount Olympus? Yes, I know that it's a play, but it's not real. It is real.

Speaker 3:

Where to? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I'm Googling it right now. It's not real. Are you sure it is in Greek mythology.

Speaker 1:

While you're Googling it, see how you pronounce Monticello.

Speaker 3:

Climb Mount Olympus, the highest Mount Olympus. It is an exceptional, biodiverse and rich it's a resort? No, it's not. It is a national park. It's in the first in Greece.

Speaker 1:

Monticello, it's the same thing you guys knew what I meant.

Speaker 3:

Oh man, the internet is down again.

Speaker 2:

All right, all right Next, wait, wait, I had it Okay, all right. So we will give you one for natural bridge.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

We're going to, I will. How do you get Monticello as a?

Speaker 3:

I'm not giving it Monticello Now he says it right, I'm not giving it, monticello, why?

Speaker 1:

Because you said Jamestown, yeah, I'm not giving it, thomas.

Speaker 4:

Jefferson's house didn't say that no, you said nature. We said both.

Speaker 1:

We said both we said a monument, it's a house.

Speaker 2:

Eiffel Tower. It's a monument. If he is a Monticello, I'd have given it to him. Oh my gosh, Definitely not Jamestown Eiffel Tower. Jamestown is it?

Speaker 3:

is a city, right, but it's a natural. It's a national museum Jamestown is okay, and I will.

Speaker 2:

Eiffel Tower, yeah, you could have said the Statue of Liberty?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but I was thinking like James sounds a big area, Like like you can't go to Jamestown and not see. I won't get.

Speaker 2:

I won't take one point from you. That's very gosh.

Speaker 3:

You guys, this is all right. All right, it's fine, go ahead. All right, garth.

Speaker 2:

Hey, listeners, let us know what you think we can. We can retroactively reward him as points. Next episode.

Speaker 1:

All right Monticello.

Speaker 2:

That's the best. All right, based off today's discussion, garth, how many movies with Brad Pitt can you name?

Speaker 4:

What is with Brad Pitt Three Mike.

Speaker 2:

As you chomp your ice, which I'm sure listeners love to hear. Brad Pitt. I don't think we did this one before. I think I think you do for me, tom Hanks, didn't we? I wish we did, tom Hanks, you can do for Brad Pitt.

Speaker 4:

I could probably do four or five.

Speaker 2:

failed on time, jared can do five movies with Brad Pitt.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Six Wow, I challenge. I said I'm going to encourage you to challenge that one. Jared, can you do seven? You counting right now.

Speaker 1:

Mike's falling out of his chair. Yeah, I can do seven. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

I cannot do eight.

Speaker 4:

So you're chatting, okay.

Speaker 2:

Jared, that's a tough task. I don't know that I could do it. I'm the movie guy here.

Speaker 1:

What I'm thinking that could be way off.

Speaker 2:

All right.

Speaker 1:

This may be a train wreck. Are you ready? Yep, Set go. I'm going to miss a. Smith Oceans. One oceans, two oceans, three, four, five, all the oceans.

Speaker 2:

There's only, I think there's only three. Oh really, I thought there was a lot of oceans. There are not oceans one, two and three.

Speaker 1:

Well, all the ocean movies. No, I didn't get it. I thought, there was a lot of ocean movies.

Speaker 2:

It's oceans 11, oceans 12, oceans 13.

Speaker 1:

I was going to get there, if you let me count. Oh, you could have kept going, okay, well, I didn't get it. I got two. How many movies is at the end of it? How many movies is Brad Pitt in?

Speaker 2:

No, a lot, but I'm talking about in oceans. I think he's in three.

Speaker 1:

Let's see. I said all the oceans.

Speaker 2:

It should be in all of them All.

Speaker 1:

I said it.

Speaker 2:

All the oceans, that's fine.

Speaker 1:

You can take a point from me. Yeah, you definitely. There is an ocean.

Speaker 2:

four Oceans four.

Speaker 1:

What are the four ocean, four movies.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there are four, but the oceans eight is the female one.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so three? Yeah, I was wrong.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I got five.

Speaker 2:

What you didn't get five, you got two, you got Troy, mr Mrs Smith.

Speaker 1:

And then I said all the ocean movies, that does not count it doesn't count.

Speaker 2:

Well, I didn't hit the number of. He said oceans one, two and three.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't count, I mean oceans 11, 12, and 13. That's right, he just closed the number off guys.

Speaker 3:

Kind of like Monticello and Monticello, you weren't even close to seeing.

Speaker 1:

I was close, I didn't get it, that's like saying Williamsburg and Jamestown. I'm glad you agree.

Speaker 3:

I would have Mine were right, if you're not going to give it to me.

Speaker 2:

I will send you. What's the next topic? Garth, you're in the lead. Two to one to one.

Speaker 3:

Way to go, mike. It's hard work. Nice, all right.

Speaker 2:

Garth, you got an easy one here. How many musical?

Speaker 3:

instruments. Can you Mike?

Speaker 2:

how many musical instruments can you name in 15 seconds? Musical Five.

Speaker 4:

Six, music is my passion. Seven, seven, eight, nine, okay.

Speaker 2:

We got a game here.

Speaker 1:

It's musical instruments.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, is it back to me, can you?

Speaker 2:

do 10 or are you challenging?

Speaker 3:

We're at nine. Yes, I'm challenging, okay, all right.

Speaker 2:

In 15 seconds All right, here we go, Ready set go.

Speaker 1:

Acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, keyboard, organ, hard rock Organ, harp, harmonica, drums, bongos.

Speaker 4:

There you go. Bongo is for the win.

Speaker 1:

Nice Bingo bongo.

Speaker 3:

I start getting nervous when we Because you got 15 seconds yeah.

Speaker 1:

I did that at eight.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you could have done it.

Speaker 1:

Mike, I believe in you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that one was an easy one. All right, you ready for a hard one? Yep, real hard one, okay, how many world capitals can you name? World capitals, it's like not state capitals?

Speaker 3:

Like DC.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like country's capitals, national capitals, yeah, one I have. I got to play the game.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

You guys are horrible. Can you do three?

Speaker 4:

I'll see you later.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

You can do three Challenge.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

You've been all over the world, garth probably can do this Four. You said four.

Speaker 1:

Can you do five? I would even extend Mike having to do four. Garth, would you challenge him before?

Speaker 4:

I'm thinking about, like trying to strategize in the game.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, not to make me look like a fool Not trying to. Right now. Right now, Garth and Jared are tied at two.

Speaker 2:

Can you do five national?

Speaker 3:

capitals. See, I don't know of these places or capitals.

Speaker 4:

I'll be the important component of that.

Speaker 1:

No, monosello is not a challenge or.

Speaker 2:

James, so he's got to do four. It used to be yeah, didn't it? I mean, y'all just gave him two points, thank you. Thank you very much.

Speaker 4:

All right, ready, like a set go Washington DC, couple, baghdad, moscow, there you go.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I was going to do like.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say please tell me what you were going to say. I was going to say here let's just put it on the clock, just for fun.

Speaker 4:

No, no, no, no I was going to say DC Dublin.

Speaker 1:

Ireland. Yeah, is that the? I think it is.

Speaker 3:

I think it is DC Dublin, and then I was going to do like I was going to say Paris, isn't that the capital? So France, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to have been right.

Speaker 3:

And then the fourth one would have been, I was going to say, governor's Harbor.

Speaker 2:

Where's that at?

Speaker 3:

in Bahamas.

Speaker 2:

Is that? I think it's Nassau, right? I thought Nassau was the capital of Bahamas. You would have gotten Paris. What about Rome?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I didn't say Rome.

Speaker 2:

I was Sydney Australia. No, it's.

Speaker 1:

Canberra, it's Canberra, australia. I got Dublin.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you've gotten, dublin.

Speaker 1:

What's Bahamas?

Speaker 2:

I'm looking pretty sure it's Nassau.

Speaker 3:

It might be as big of a Bahamas guy as you are yeah, but Governor's Harbor, I think it may have been. It may have been it at one point, nassau.

Speaker 2:

Nassau. Yeah, I don't know why, but the Port of Prince was the one that was in my mind. I was like 80. Yeah, all right, good job, garth. Y'all just gave him that one. Well, then again, I don't know if you would have gotten it, so you want to have?

Speaker 1:

there and me.

Speaker 4:

I was playing.

Speaker 2:

I was playing Sydney.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, after I said five other ones.

Speaker 2:

How many? You did not say five other capitals.

Speaker 1:

You didn't, I could. I could have done five, but I already threw my hat out of the ring. You could have done five to do it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you said one.

Speaker 4:

London and it was wrong for listeners this is the London.

Speaker 2:

I saw you did say Nassau, but Paris, france, london, england episode two Can we do gas lighting? We do that anyway.

Speaker 3:

Holy cow yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 2:

Mike, we're going to throw it back to season one. Garstern, oh, I'm a little rusty producer. Garth, we're going to throw it back to season one. How many breakfast cereals can you name in 15?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Mike six seven.

Speaker 1:

This is an easy one. I think I got this one last time I had to do it.

Speaker 2:

We didn't do breakfast cereals for this, did we? I don't remember. I thought we just did the thing we had to bring Go ahead.

Speaker 4:

Eight nine challenge.

Speaker 2:

I'm confident Mike's got this one.

Speaker 1:

Nine Ready, All right, ready set go. Start laughing. Start laughing. What's your name? Hysterical crunch.

Speaker 3:

I mean I bet you I can do hysterical crunch. I think I wonder if I'll do better If I take my headphones off so I'll hear you guys.

Speaker 2:

You'll still hear us, we're in the same room.

Speaker 4:

Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.

Speaker 1:

I made that. I never forget that.

Speaker 4:

Let me take my head. I'm gonna take my ears off, so I can't hear you.

Speaker 1:

I could technically mute our mics so you don't hear us. Maybe it's probably right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, maybe it was the opposite. It was, I think, all right ready, Lordy, raising brand crunch.

Speaker 1:

Wait, wait wait, the one that says ready, ready, okay set go Captain, crunch raising brand, crunch raising brand.

Speaker 3:

fruit loops, cocoa puffs, reesey puffs. I've got honey combs, mini wheats and time's up or something else. I was in my cabinet.

Speaker 1:

That was. That was so close. I was you almost was he one away. He was one away.

Speaker 2:

That's rough.

Speaker 3:

It's okay, cheerios, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Did taking your headphones off help? You couldn't hear us.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe you didn't say crave.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know why I didn't. Or grape nuts.

Speaker 3:

I don't like grape nuts. Like raising the brand, like raising brand.

Speaker 2:

All right, last one, like you're out of it, but you know just sure yeah. All right, how many shades?

Speaker 3:

but I could do an upset yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I could, if I won.

Speaker 2:

No, I would say okay, how many shades of red can you name?

Speaker 4:

one little help with that. Where we talk, more room is a shade, yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this pink.

Speaker 3:

I need to do I'm gonna do three.

Speaker 2:

How many three four?

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna play it safe here. Challenge, not lose what I've got.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, challenge it Hold on. So it's two to four, four, five. So Derek is so technically win this if he gets the challenge.

Speaker 4:

Make it hurt. Mike, what number?

Speaker 2:

we at four.

Speaker 3:

I said four Europe.

Speaker 1:

No three. You went one, two, three, yeah Five.

Speaker 2:

You got to do it. It's only way you can win.

Speaker 3:

I have to say it it's only way you can win.

Speaker 2:

I'd have to do six.

Speaker 1:

Well, now we're just going to keep going like so much red.

Speaker 3:

Mike's got nothing to lose. Some people just know what is the world?

Speaker 2:

This might be where the game is broken.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, what weaponized Mike. It's like challenge Might as well. Have a good laugh.

Speaker 3:

One of my five.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, ready Set, go red.

Speaker 4:

You can't say red why?

Speaker 2:

can't I say red.

Speaker 3:

A shade of red.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna write a book called five shades of red, that's that's like red.

Speaker 3:

Red is a color. It is its own shade, but that's the one we're basing it off. Okay, all right, fine, whatever, I'll do the misinterpretation.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Set go pink, hot pink, fuchsia, maroon and.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

No Way to go, mike. Thanks All right so the final tower crushed it.

Speaker 2:

Jared has four, garth has three, mike has three. What does Gareth have? Gareth has five points. Garth, congratulations, you are the champion. Thank you, great job sir.

Speaker 4:

Episode one.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I don't know where you guys got that from.

Speaker 1:

All right, what a great kickoff episode.

Speaker 2:

Yes, oh gosh, we have to remember this before the question.

Speaker 3:

I think this is the reason why I want to quit every week.

Speaker 1:

Great discussion, great post game show. Thank you guys. So much for tuning in. Make sure to stay tuned for our next episode coming up soon. But we're going to close it out with a word of prayer, garth, if you'll hit that up, please.

Speaker 4:

Father, thank you for this time together and for the discussion, and we just ask you to bless our listeners abundantly. We pray these things in Jesus' name, amen.

Knowing God vs. Experiencing God
Knowing About vs Knowing God
Knowing and Experiencing God's Role
The Importance of Experiencing God
The Importance of Experiencing God
Mount Olympus, Monticello, and Movie Trivia
Monticello Episode One Recap and Prayer